A complete list of instruments available in the Molecular Design Institute (MDI) can be found here.
MDI members share access to the NYU Center for Soft Matter Research and its Colloid Synthesis Facility, the Biomaterials and Biomimetics Facility in the College of Dentistry and regional facilities such as the New York Structural Biology Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory and the Advanced Photon Sources (APS) of Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)
The Department of Chemistry Shared Instrument Facility (SIF) houses core instrumentation, including:
NMR spectrometers (2-400, 500, 600 MHz)
Bruker single-crystal diffractometer
Bruker powder microdiffractometer with GADDS
Siemens D-500 high resolution powder diffractometer
Circular dichroism spectropolarimeter
Electrospray and gas-chromatography mass spectrometers
FT-infrared spectrometer
UV-VIS spectrophotometer
Isothermal titration calorimeters
Zeiss Merlin scanning electron microscope with EDS
Horiba ellipsometer
Leica scanning confocal microscope with a white light laser source.
The MDI facility contains
UV-VIS and infrared spectrometers
Three atomic force microscopes
Optical microscopes with temperature-controlled stages
Langmuir-Blodgett troughs
Differential scanning calorimeter
Thermal gravimetric analyzer
Gel-permeation chromatographs
4-photoelastic modulator Mueller matrix polarimeter
Mueller matrix imaging polarimeter
CCD-based Stokes imaging camera
Single molecule imaging microscope
Electrochemistry workstation
Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance
Materials Studio suite for molecular and crystal modeling